Wednesday 21 September 2011

Feeling lonely!

"So why in the world do I feel so alone?
Nobody but me, I'm on my own!Is there anyone out there,Who feels the way I feel,That there is then let me in and let me know that I'm not the only one?"



  I have decided to start this post with the lyrics of the song "Talking to myself" by Eminem because they explain exactly how I feel at this moment. 

  I believe that many of you have felt lonely and honestly for me that is the worst feeling that person can feel. It is a feeling of internal emptiness, sadness and a wish mixed all in one. Loneliness makes people to think about things, good and bad. But most of the time that thinking makes either sad or worried and none of those feelings are good (at least for me).Felling lonely is like feeling that you don't belong here anymore and that you need to change something. 

  You can feel loneliness even if you are not alone. Sometimes, even if you are with someone, you feel like there is nothing in this world. Maybe because those people are ignoring you or maybe just because they don't understand you, your feelings and needs. 

  I have been alone for few days and not only that I was bored, but it feels like eternity since they all went. 

  Do everything you can just not to be alone. Get your friends, go out, internet can always wait, and HAVE FUN!

  Also I have a question. Do you think that problems, depression and worries are easier to manage on your own or with someone? For me it easier to do it on my own but sometimes I really need someone. 

  Thank you for reading. :) 


Sunday 11 September 2011

" make sense of who I am..."

Hi people! 
  I am writing this post just because I think that it is very popular topic. It will be about L.O.V.E. 
  I, as a very emotional person, think that love is the best thing that could happen to someone but only if it's both side. I loved and I still love but that is not what I really want because I don't get that love back. 
  But I am not the only person with this /lets call it/ problem. In last few days I've been talking with many friends who have some love problems and I all I could /can/ do is to listen to them. It makes me sad when I realise how people treat other people who love them. For example, one of my friends is in love with one guy that is treating her very badly. He doesn't love her but still he loves to use her for his needs. I see that, she sees that, everyone know that, but he is using that she is madly in love with him and always manages her. Not only buys are like that but honestly I am sick an tired of those people. 
  Other case is that people, who had some emotional breakdowns, are using other people to "heal their wounds" but they don't realise by doing that they are hurting others. Why can't you just get over it. I think girls are better in that than guys. Guys always do pay backs. #BeAManAndGetOverIt 
  One more thing, which disgusts me the most, is sleeping with someone else just to revenge to person you love/ed/ just because that person cheated on you. Why going that low? If you believe in God or Karma, you know that >what goes around, comes around< and no need to hurry. The best way to revenge to the person that cheated on you is to find someone better. And YES! there is always some better, you just have to take a better look. 
  And not to forget those people who cheat. PATHETIC! If you don't love /like/ the person you are with, why not just say BYE! That is better them cheating because in my opinion cheating means >I am so bored of you and I need someone new, but if it doesn't work with that person I will come back to you<. I don't forgive that because if I am not good enough for you then ADIOS AMIGO! You are not good enough for me with cheating. :) 
  For people who can't stand break-ups and then they make scene and try to make their ex-es life miserable, I just want to give an advice. Just accept that you are not loved anymore by the person and you should find someone else. I don't say that because I think that is pathetic, no I say it because I think that you deserve someone better and that person who dumped you will regret. 
  And for those single people, GET SOME ACTION! Living life is not in waiting, but in searching and trying. If it goes well then good, if not, well there is some other chance. JUST DON'T GIVE UP ON YOURSELF AND LOVE! 
  All my best wishes go to those people who love and who are loved.
Bojana :)

P.S. be free to leave comments and also to give me some topics to write about /of course if you want/. Thank you :D

*You don't have to be perfect to let someone love you. Being yourself is the best way to have someone fall in love with you.*
*Jealousy is a sign of possessiveness. A sign that you're afraid that someone might steal your special someone away from you.*
*You can’t force yourself to stop liking someone, but you can tell yourself that you deserve better and try to move on.*
*It's hard to make a decision when you're too tired to hold on and too in love to let go.*
*The scariest thing was that we didn’t even have to be together for you to break my heart.*

And many more on!/TheNoteboook :)

Friday 9 September 2011

Be Happy :): Tamara and me :)

Be Happy :): Tamara and me :): Hello! :) This post I devote to my favourite room mate Tamara and our crazy day! It was Wednesday, September 7th. We woke up at 8am and ...

Tamara and me :)

Hello! :)

This post I devote to my favourite room mate Tamara and our crazy day!

It was Wednesday, September 7th. We woke up at 8am and decided to have a day out. We had many plans but the destiny didn't like our plans so it made its own.

First we went downtown to get some things from one grandma. As we didn't know where she was, Tamara had to call her and grandma told her the address. We went there but Tamara forgot the number so we entered into the wrong building, went on the 7th floor and knocked. A very hot guy opened the door and two of us were really shocked (and drooling). We asked for grandma but he said he lives there with his friend (they are students). So we said bye and Tamara called grandma again. When we went into that building and got things from grandma we came into the lift and I was pressing the button but it didn't work so we had to call grandma to press the button. She said I was pressing the wrong one. -.- (really embarrassing).

After that we went into the bus to go to our friends. First I came in and paid the ticket and Tamara came in thinking that I paid for her too. After realising that I paid only for myself she blushed and went to the driver to pay the ticket. And she even blamed him for not asking from her to pay. Thank God he was our age. LOL.

When she paid we set and continued driving. After some time everyone got out only me and Tamara left. The driver told us: "Girls this is the last stop." I was like WTF! that can't be possible. WE WERE IN THE WRONG BUS!!! Then he said we have to wait for a bit because he will get us back to the same stop where we came in, but we still had to pay for another ticket. We got back to the same stop and he said to us in which bus we have to get in. After so many embarrassing we decided to walk!

When we came near the house of our friends we went on the wrong way so we went all around the neighbourhood. Two of them laugh so much at us and our day. Those embarrassing things happened from 8am till 1 pm (so little time, so many embarrassing). We stayed there till 6pm and then went home. I just have to say that Pavle made us great lunch!!!! I think I will marry him so that I don't have to cook :p

So for some this might be very boring post but it was so interesting and embarrassing to do those things. LOL
I hope you to had some embarrassing things to share so if you want you can put into your comment.

I just want to say I LOVE TAMARA A LOT!!!

Thank you very much for reading my blog!

Bojana :)

Friday 2 September 2011

From my heart, about you...


This post is about the people that I know from fb. First of all I will start with Daca.

Daca is my crazy little sister that I love a lot. I know her almost for a year and she has been a great friend for me :) I can always count on her whenever I need something and I always enjoy our gossips ;) <3

Now comes a person with whom I talk the most. It's Jo. First time I met Johanna was on skype 2 years ago, when we were having a group conversation. She seemed like a crazy, interesting and strange a bit. Since then we became very good friends and we talked on skype every day entire summer (crazy I know). We had some bad time when I went to university and I missed her but now we are ok again, I think. <3

Ana, Kaća, Mihailo, Nikola N. and Nikola M. are my greatest Serbian friends and I love them all a lot equally. They always make me laugh and it is good to share interest with them. We have many things in common ;)  I love Ana's MonkeyLove and I chat with her about my love life (thanks for being patient), I always loved how Kaća was teaching foreigners our language (thumbs up) and my always favourite is my chatting with guys on skype (and Nikola N. eating) <3

Ira, Indira and Jovana are all great girls and I would really like to met them as soon as I can. I love speaking with Ira and Indy on skype because we have awesome /Balkan/ time. :) Ira is one who understands me the best, she was my first friend on fb and she will always have a special place in my heart. Indira is my great little Bosnian and she is so sweet. And Jojo my beautiful nesquik is my little love :P <3

Amina, Merima, Almedina and Melissa are my sweet Bosnian girls. They are nice, sweet and very friendly. Who says that Bosnia can't be united ;) <3

Now girl who are my angel: Zorana, Yupa, Maria, Chaimaa,  Joanita, Lulu, Roza, Marwa, Antonia, Sara, Doaa, Ezgi, Leina, Dal, Katie, Ivana Paola, KayTee, Pauline, Pau, Lou, Andela, Nika, Nhi and Gif. Every single girl is very special to me. I know them for some time, some good, some better, and they all fantastic personality. They are funny, amusing, stunning, lovely and great. <3

In special group I want to put Bilja, Ivana and Branka because they deserve it. My big sisters, my  best advisors, girls with a big heart. <3

Boys are special too. Vijay, Matt, Thommy, Donnie, Dane, Brian and Chris. Great friends, lovely mates and funny guys. I think that everyone who is friend with them is very blessed and honoured. Very special <3

And for the end I don't want to leave out people that made a big influence to my life. George, Michael and Callum, the best guys from Liverpool, the only people that know me the best, but also the only who will not understand me. One because is the best person ever, greatest of all, the one and only. One because it's the best teacher of all, the best sarcastic person. One because it has a good heart, the best patak. <3

If I missed out some, I am sorry. I just want you to know that no matter how far we are from each other, no matter how our lives change, we will always have our memories, our laughs, our love.

Thank you for being my friends. <3

P.S. sorry because the post s too long :)
