Sunday, 11 September 2011

" make sense of who I am..."

Hi people! 
  I am writing this post just because I think that it is very popular topic. It will be about L.O.V.E. 
  I, as a very emotional person, think that love is the best thing that could happen to someone but only if it's both side. I loved and I still love but that is not what I really want because I don't get that love back. 
  But I am not the only person with this /lets call it/ problem. In last few days I've been talking with many friends who have some love problems and I all I could /can/ do is to listen to them. It makes me sad when I realise how people treat other people who love them. For example, one of my friends is in love with one guy that is treating her very badly. He doesn't love her but still he loves to use her for his needs. I see that, she sees that, everyone know that, but he is using that she is madly in love with him and always manages her. Not only buys are like that but honestly I am sick an tired of those people. 
  Other case is that people, who had some emotional breakdowns, are using other people to "heal their wounds" but they don't realise by doing that they are hurting others. Why can't you just get over it. I think girls are better in that than guys. Guys always do pay backs. #BeAManAndGetOverIt 
  One more thing, which disgusts me the most, is sleeping with someone else just to revenge to person you love/ed/ just because that person cheated on you. Why going that low? If you believe in God or Karma, you know that >what goes around, comes around< and no need to hurry. The best way to revenge to the person that cheated on you is to find someone better. And YES! there is always some better, you just have to take a better look. 
  And not to forget those people who cheat. PATHETIC! If you don't love /like/ the person you are with, why not just say BYE! That is better them cheating because in my opinion cheating means >I am so bored of you and I need someone new, but if it doesn't work with that person I will come back to you<. I don't forgive that because if I am not good enough for you then ADIOS AMIGO! You are not good enough for me with cheating. :) 
  For people who can't stand break-ups and then they make scene and try to make their ex-es life miserable, I just want to give an advice. Just accept that you are not loved anymore by the person and you should find someone else. I don't say that because I think that is pathetic, no I say it because I think that you deserve someone better and that person who dumped you will regret. 
  And for those single people, GET SOME ACTION! Living life is not in waiting, but in searching and trying. If it goes well then good, if not, well there is some other chance. JUST DON'T GIVE UP ON YOURSELF AND LOVE! 
  All my best wishes go to those people who love and who are loved.
Bojana :)

P.S. be free to leave comments and also to give me some topics to write about /of course if you want/. Thank you :D

*You don't have to be perfect to let someone love you. Being yourself is the best way to have someone fall in love with you.*
*Jealousy is a sign of possessiveness. A sign that you're afraid that someone might steal your special someone away from you.*
*You can’t force yourself to stop liking someone, but you can tell yourself that you deserve better and try to move on.*
*It's hard to make a decision when you're too tired to hold on and too in love to let go.*
*The scariest thing was that we didn’t even have to be together for you to break my heart.*

And many more on!/TheNoteboook :)

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